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Certificate Attestation

As we all know the procedure for Certificate attestation is not that easy process. You need proper documentation and there are so many legal processes you need to go through. It is a legal verification procedure and higher authority will confirm the authenticity of the required certificate.

What is Certificate Attestation?

The attestation is the method of checking the authenticity of a document & declaring its authenticity by attaching it with the sign of the verifying personnel.

The process requires the submission of original documents as well as a xerox of the same to authorized employees for verifying and required sign/stamp on the guided area.

Procedure for Certificate Attestation

The process for attestation is indirect and is carried out by different stages of the government.

  • Regional Level is the beginning step of the attestation process. At this step, documents get verified as per its categories such as notary for personal documents, university for educational documents and chamber of commerce for commercial documents.

  • State Government is the second step of the Embassy Attestation procedure. The authentication of documents from the state is carried out by three different organizations as per the requirement of the document type. These organizations are the State Home Department (SHD), Human Resource Department (HRD), and the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM). SDM is independent of the state government, yet, the verification performed by this authority is considered on the state level.

  • MEA Stamp or Ministry of External Affairs in which an MEA stamp or sticker is applied on the document. It is the central department that deals with the foreign matters of the country and elects a minister every half a decade.

  • Embassy Attestation is the last step of the certification for most nations after the Ministry of External Affairs.

There are several attestation services available, however, only a few are legitimate that can be trusted. For instance, agencies like PEC Attestation Apostille and Translation Services are granted with the license to perform the Certificate Attestation in Mumbai. It is important to hire providers that are experienced and know their way around in the business and PEC guarantees you the same.

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Jun 25, 2020

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